Kanzlei für Strafrecht

Hohenstaufenring 62
50674 Köln

Legal fields

The lawyers of Gercke Wollschläger represent individuals and companies comprehensively in the field of the commercial law and the law regarding fiscal offenses, the supplementary areas under the criminal law, but partly also in the general criminal law and the law governing administrative offences. This includes the provision of advice in the preliminary stages and for the clarification of a criminal charge just as the defense in all instances of the criminal proceedings, from investigation proceedings via the main trial through to appeal. In addition, we file criminal charges and prepare legal opinions on criminal law issues. In case of civil, fiscal and administrative proceedings conducted in parallel, we work closely with specialized colleagues.

So says the press

Stern 2024 Gehört erneut zu den “besten deutschen Anwaltskanzleien” im Strafrecht Reference
Chambers 2024 Top-Kanzlei in der Kategorie “Dispute Resolution: White Collar Crime: Defence Counsel Europe” Reference
Juve Handbuch 2023/24 “spielt in nahezu allen maßgeblichen Verfahren eine Rolle” Reference
Focus 2023 Erneut “Top-Kanzlei” für Strafrecht sowie Prof. Dr. Gercke und Dr. Grözinger als “Top-Anwälte für Strafrecht” ausgezeichnet Reference
Handelsblatt/Best Lawyers 2023 Prof. Dr. Gercke und Dr. Grözinger als “Deutschlands beste Anwälte” im Steuerstrafrecht und Prof. Dr. Gercke zusätzlich im Bereich Corporate Governance & Compliance ausgezeichnet Reference
Handelsblatt/Best Lawyers 2023 Erneut alle Partner sowie erstmals Rechtsanwalt Nosthoff-Horstmann als “Deutschlands beste Anwälte” im Wirtschaftsstrafrecht ausgezeichnet Reference
Juve Handbuch 2022/23 Auszeichnung als einer der fünf führenden deutschen Kanzleien im Wirtschaftsstrafrecht Reference
brandeins 2022 Gehört im Wirtschaftsstrafrecht erneut zu den “besten Wirtschaftskanzleien in Deutschland” Reference
WirtschaftsWoche 2022 Erneut “Top-Kanzlei Wirtschaftsstrafrecht” Reference
Handelsblatt/Best Lawyers All partners and also Dr. Grözinger evaluated as “Germany’s best lawyers” (commercial criminal law / criminal defense) Reference
brandeins Belongs to the “best German law firms” in commercial criminal law Reference
Legal500 One of the “leading law firms” in commercial criminal law Reference
WirtschaftsWoche 18/2020 “Top law firm in commercial criminal law” Reference
Stern 22/2020 Belongs to the “best German law firms” Reference
Kanzleimonitor 2020/2021 „Eine führende Kanzlei im Strafrecht“ Reference
Focus 2020 Since 2013 continuously “top law firm for commercial criminal law” Reference
Handelsblatt/Best Lawyers 2019 Prof. Dr. Björn Gercke and Dr. Sebastian Wollschläger evaluated as “Germany’s best lawyers” (commercial criminal law / criminal defense) Reference
Juve Handbuch 2018/2019 “Very competent, broad experience” Reference
Juve Handbuch 2016/2017 “The law firm around Gercke had one of the most remarkable success stories of recent years” Reference
LTO (2016) “Well-known Cologne criminal law boutique” Reference
Azur 1/2015 “Law firm with fame throughout Germany” Reference
Juve Handbuch 2015/2016 “Law firm of the year for commercial criminal law” Reference
Juve Handbuch 2014/2015 “Outstanding combination of clear dogmatics and an eye for the practice (…), excellent work” Reference
Nomos Kanzleien für Deutschland 2014 “Highly qualified criminal law boutique” Reference
Juve Handbuch 2012/2013 “Legally outstanding, lots of experience” Reference